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A Smart New Way to Segment Green Consumers

 A Smart New Way to Segment Green Consumers

When you target customers, best dubbed anime websites it helps to know if they're "dark green", "light green" or "basic brown" in their attitudes, but, with so many green issues, products, and labels out there, it may be more relevant to your branding and communications to understand their personal green interests.

In observing green consumers over the past best dubbed anime websites twenty years my colleagues and I have found that asking questions like these allows companies to distinguish between four subsegments, which we've dubbed "Resource Conservers", "Health Fanatics", "Animal Lovers" and "Outdoor Enthusiasts." Of course, there are some overlaps among these groups, but discovering which subsegment your customers mainly fall into can sharpen your marketing. The following descriptions are generalizations, but they capture the spirit of each type of consumer.

Some ways to appeal to resource conservers.

1. Highlight the economical, long-lasting and reusability benefits of products.

2. Offer services that enable them to recycle, compost and save energy.

Health Fanatics worry best dubbed anime websites about overexposure to the sun, fear pesticide residues on produce, and fret over contaminants in children's toys. They apply sunscreen, scout out natural-food stores for the latest in organic foods, buy only natural cosmetics and pet care, and have switched out the toxic cleaning products for the non-toxic ones under the sink. 

They look for products marked with the "USDA Organic" seal of approval or EPA's Design for Environment logo.They scrutinize websites like Michigan-based Ecology Center's and to get the skinny on toxic substances on products from school supplies to automobiles. Find them on the memberships rolls of Beyond Pesticides, Organic Consumers Association and to be regular readers of Natural Life Magazine.


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