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These Small Harnesses Allow Just About Best Dog

 These Small Harnesses Allow Just About Best Dog

Keeping track of your dog when it is Best Dog Harnesses off best outdoor dog house it leash can be nerve racking at best. One minute the dog is at your side and the next it is gone. You call but the dog does not return. Panic sets in and you rush about looking everywhere. 

If you are adjacent to large tracts of wild lands it may take you some time to locate your dog and in some case your best friend is never found. For many people this is like losing a child with all its grief and anguish. Hunting and large dog breeds must be allowed to run. Keeping them on a lead all the time is at best cruelty. New technology in the form of a GPS dog collar that tracks your dog may be the answer.

New Technology In The Form Of A Dog 

If you own a hunting best outdoor dog house dog like a beagle or bear hound that ranges miles from you it can be hard to hear the cry of the chase especially on windy days or if the dogs are in heavy cover. In the past the full cry of the chase and barking treed were the only way to keep track of these expensive dogs. Technology in the form of telemetry was developed for wildlife biologist to help them track wild animals they were managing and studying. These small radios were placed on the animal with straps and ties that disintegrated and fell off over time. 

A directional radio receiver was used to pinpoint the location of the radio and the animal that was carrying it. Bear, coon, lion and rabbit hunters who loved the chase soon began to see the value of this technology allowing them to keep track of there expensive hunting dogs. The problem with this system was that this system did not tell you how far the animal was from you and in order to locate an exact fix more than one directional receiver was required. Never the less it was a great improvement and one that is still used today in many parts of the world.

Pinpoint The Location The Animal 

GPS technology has been around now for more than 15 years. Within the last 5 years the ability to track vehicles and people has become available to the general public. Small GPS tracking devices can be placed on just about anything including dogs. These units use cell phone technology to report the location, speed and direction of the GPS tracker. 

These small devices allow just about best outdoor dog house anyone to make a GPS dog Collar. GPS tracking service companies will then provide you with a real time map for the trackers location on your lap top computer or cell phone. The problem is that you do not want to be carrying a laptop with you while you walking or hunting your dog. An additional more serious problem with this system is that you cannot always run your dog in an area with good cell phone coverage. Without good coverage you cannot have real time mapping of your dog's location.

Tracking Service Companies 

Recently Garmin developed new technology that allows you to easily use a GPS dog collar to track your dog. The new system is called the Garmin Astro 220 GPS dog tracking system. This system is built around its hand held model 60CSX GPS receiver. The Astro 220 has all the capability of the 60CSX and in addition has a radio receiver. The DF-20 tracking systems GPS dog collar has a transmitter that sends location, speed and direction back to the handheld receiver. The unit then displays the information on a screen that can be layered with various maps including topo and street maps.


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