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Supplements Are Chosen Based On Your Fitness Goal

 Supplements Are Chosen Based On Your Fitness Goal

In life, we're always talking about macro supreme keto must haves. If you're driving a high end car, you must have the top of the line motor oil coursing through its cylinders. If you're competing at a high level in a track competition, state of the art running shoes are a must have. When you're celebrating a huge quarter at the office, the finest bourbon is a must have. I would submit to you, that if you're serious about a ketogenic lifestyle, MCT Oil is a must have.MCT Oil provides a heavy dose of the very fuels that turn your body into - and keep it - a fat burning machine. Unlike LCTs, MCTs bypass much of the digestion process that fats go through. MCTs act in an almost carb-like manner in how they're sent directly to the liver, where they are used for energy.

There are many reasons why MCT makes perfect sense for your Ketogenic Diet, but help you understand how they can play an essential role in your nutrition, we've some of the main benefits of MCT Oil in your Ketogenic Diet plan.

Fad or Fountain of Youth?

The interesting thing about the macro supreme keto is that DHEA seemed to have beneficial effects mostly in women who were experiencing symptoms and not necessarily useful as a preventive, anti aging, performance enhancement or weight loss supplement. Many of the effects were thought to be due to its conversion to testosterone which gives a sense of wellbeing. There was less of an effect in younger men and women and men at any age. Some women convert it to testosterone and may experience acne, aggressiveness, and facial hair. Monitoring blood levels, adjusting the dosage and using alternative forms such as 7 keto DHEA can alleviate these side effects. Since it can convert to estrogen, use caution and consult your doctor if you have a history or family history of breast cancer.

While some studies suggest there may be anti aging, weight loss, performance enhancement and other effects, they are inconsistent. The big takeaway is that no one should use a shot gun approach or expect a quick fix using any hormone or supplement. If you have symptoms or seek enhancement of any function, it is best to measure levels and look at other possible reasons for symptoms before using any bioidentical or other hormone replacement therapy.

Some Studies Suggest There May Be Anti

These supplements are chosen based on your fitness goal. Most bodybuilding goals include: Bulking (putting on muscle), cutting (lowering body fat), and extra strength, energy and recovery.Pro anabolic muscle builders are a broad category. Protein powder falls under this one as well as supplements that include muscle building, hormonal supporting anabolic ingredients such as: tribulus, fenugreek and eurycoma. These types of ingredients either increase protein synthesis or support cellular volumization. In other words, they aid weight gain in the form of muscle mass.

Thermogenics are supplements used to increase the macro supreme keto  core temperature and therefore, increasing the amount of calories burned throughout the day. Ingredients you may find in thermogenic supplements include: guggulsterones (a herb grown in India), and 7 keto DHEA (a non-hormonal steroid).I would submit to you, that if you're serious about a ketogenic lifestyle, MCT Oil is a must have.MCT Oil provides a heavy dose of the very fuels that turn your body into - and keep it - a fat burning machine. Unlike LCTs, MCTs bypass much of the digestion process that others fats go through. MCTs act in an almost carb-like manner in how they're sent directly to the liver, where they are used for energy.


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